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Showing posts from November, 2021

Day no. 196

Read an interesting article about smells today, and how hard it is to describe smells with words - every person has a totally different idea of what things smell like. I wish I had more knowledge of that.

Day no. 195

I wanna go on a swing somewhere! It's unfair that swings are mostly for kids. Maybe roller coasters are the swings for adults?  Ate an avocado toast and drank two cups of coffee, felt very energized after. Read a book about contemporary art.  Saw a really well-behaved, and fancy-looking poodle today. Such a good boy!

Day no. 193

Got into a Wikipedia rabbit hole today about urban legends. It's very entertaining! For example, it says that Tutankhamun's tomb is not inscribed with a curse on those who disturb it. And the Sun is actually more white, not yellow!